Bringing straight from the hills of Kashmir, we supply the finest quality of organic Walnut (28mm to 34mm). Walnuts, also known as Juglans are one of the oldest tree food known to mankind and one of the best plant source of protein, fibre, vitamins, magnesium and anti-oxidants.
Parameters | Per 100gm | Food Energy | 687kcal | Carbohydrate | 11.0g | Protiens | 15.6g | Minerals | 1.8g | Fat (Ethu Extract) | 64.5g | Calcium | 100mg | Fibre | 2.6g | Iron | 4.8mg | Phosphorus | 308mg | Thiamine | 0.45mg | Vitamine E | 10.01U | Nicotinic Acid | 1.6mg |
Benefits: Improved cardiovascular health, Reduced cholestrol, Anti cancer properties, Prevent aging, Lower risk of blood pressure, Skin glorification.